Hess Trucks St. Patrick’s Day

HESS-TRUCKS-St.PatricksSt. Patrick’s Day Hess Trucks Sale

Save some green by celebrating Green Hess Trucks all during March. See 3 of our popular Hess Trucks Now On Sale.


Hess 2007 Truck2007 Hess Monster Truck

The rugged big green 2007 Hess Monster Truck with Motorcycles. Big  oversized off-road tires under a raised pickup truck chassis. Was $79.95. Now ON SALE


Hess 1996 Truck1996 Hess Emergency Truck

Features a working high-beam searchlight behind a red extendible aerial ladder. Also,  special pulsating emergency lights, flashers, and an emergency siren. Was $49.95. Now On Sale.


Hess 1989 Truck1989 Hess Fire Truck

Lots of chrome and working headlights, taillights, emergency flashing lights, and a dual-tone siren. Was $65.95. Now On Sale.


Buy All Three, Get A Bonus Hess Truck Free!

When you buy all 3 toys (2007, 1996, 1989)  from our March Sale we will include a Free bonus Hess Truck of our choice from our  overstock collection.  Just add a note, “All 3 March Collection”  at check out and we will add your Free bonus truck to your order. CLICK HERE For Details.